- Email id : rofia.abada@ajpsdz.org
- Publisher : AJPS Publications. Journal Start Year: 2022
- Chief Editor : Rofia ABADA ARZOUR
- Country : Algeria
- Twitter : N/A
- ISSN (Online) : 2830-9618
- ISSN (Print) : -
- Abbreviation : UAB
- Language : ENGLISH- FRENCH
- Frequency : Quarterly
- Journal Year : 2019
- Categories : Agriculture, Arts and Architecture, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology
- License Type : CC BY-NC-ND
Presentation The academic journal Urban Art Bio,issn:2830-9618 Urbanism, Architecture, Territory, Bioclimatic and Biodiversity is an international multidisciplinary journal, with a reading committee, which publishes articles devoted to theoretical and applied research in Urbanism, Architecture, Territory Planning, Geography, Bioclimatic, Biodiversity and Environment, etc., edited by AJPS Publications. It is open to several multidisciplinary themes and welcomes authors from a diversity of disciplines. The journal focuses particular attention on the practice of urban planning, architecture, geography and environment in Algeria, the Greater Maghreb, Africa and the Middle East, and other countries in the world, and is distributed in electronic version. Urban Art Bio Academic Journal is published three times a year (May, September, December). Each volume contains three issues, the first issue for architecture and urban planning, the second issue for geography and spatial planning and the third issue for the environment, bioclimatic, and sustainable development. Articles submitted should include a clear research question or problem, a grounding in the existing literature, an analysis of the results in dialogue with the literature, and a clear discussion of the original contribution of the article to the field of knowledge that the proposed articles focus. Our international editorial board is composed of members who teach at the most prestigious universities. They are specialised in the following fields, related to : Architecture, urban planning and urban professions Earth and Space Sciences Science and Technology Research topics The journal publishes original theoretical or applied research articles related to the following themes and areas Architecture: landscape design, project management, etc. Urban planning: Urban project, urban development, renewal, renovation and urban restructuring...etc. City: urban spaces, public spaces, urban art, actors, etc. Geography: territory, territorial planning, territorial dynamics...etc. Environment: sustainable development, biodiversity, bioclimatic...etc. Our Missions In order to achieve its mission, Urban Art Bio Academic Journal works to : - publish high-quality scientific articles reflecting all the current orientations of research in architecture, urbanism, geography and environment; - promote the publication of scientific articles on Algeria, the Maghreb and the Middle East, without however restricting itself to these countries; - to stimulate scientific research in these fields by encouraging the expression of new ideas; - to encourage interdisciplinarity by welcoming authors not only from the fields of architecture, urban planning, geography and the environment but also from other disciplines (sociology, history, economics, etc.) and from the professional world (territorial planning, regional development, etc.); - to stimulate debate within these fields by publishing scientific articles, essays of an epistemological or methodological nature and critical reviews, but also by disseminating online reports written by our correspondents on the progress of the discipline in their country or elsewhere, in-depth comments on recent works, reports on relevant events in the fields mentioned above, comments on recent cartographic productions, etc.
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